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Foot Strike and Injury Risk in Runners: My Article in Lower Extremity Review

Boston Elite Runner FootstrikesA few months ago I received an email from the editor of Lower Extremity Review asking if I’d be willing to write an article on the topic of foot strike in running. Given that the publication’s target audience consists of medical practitioners who regularly treat lower extremity injuries, I was a bit hesitant at first to accept the assignment since I am not a clinician.

However, having just written a chapter for my book on the topic of foot strike in running, I had read through much of the existing academic literature on the relationship between foot strike and running injury risk. Thus, I figured I’d go ahead and give it a shot. I took off my blogger/author hat and put on my academic hat and produced an article titled “Foot strike in runners: Influence on injury risk.”

It’s amazing how challenging it can be to switch writing gears between blogging, book writing, and academic writing, so hopefully the turned out to be somewhat coherent!

You can read my foot strike article on the Lower Extremity Review website here: http://www.lowerextremityreview.com/article/foot-strike-in-runners-influence-on-injury-risk