Yesterday I was playing around with a new camera (Panasonic FZ200) that I recently purchased for gait filming that will shoot 120 frames per second in 720p high definition (a first in a sub-$1,000.00 consumer grade camera as I’m aware; it also shoots 240fps in VGA which is solid). So far I’m really impressed with the camera compared to the Casio models I’ve used in the past, and hope to have a more detailed review on its utility for gait analysis in the not too distant future.
In addition to filming various neighborhood animals and my dogs (had to experiment with the new toy!), I got a nice clip of my 2 year-old son running down the road – take a look :) Since I know I’ll be asked, he’s wearing Merrell Barefoot Flux Gloves. You may need to adjust the video settings to watch the HD version, and I make no claims of being an expert videographer :)